Ferrets as Pets: Everything You Need to Know

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Ferrets are cute, playful, and intelligent animals that make great pets for the right person. But before you rush out to adopt a furry friend, it’s important to do your research and make sure you’re ready for the responsibilities that come with caring for a ferret. Everything you need to know about keeping a ferret as a pet—from its behavior and care to its health—is laid out here.

Ferrets have been domesticated for over 2500 years, and were originally bred for hunting rodents. Today, ferrets are kept as pets all over the world, and are known for their playful and mischievous personalities. While ferrets require a bit more attention and care than some other pets, they can be incredibly rewarding companions for those willing to put in the effort.

What are Ferrets?

Ferrets are members of the mustelid family, which also includes weasels, otters, and badgers. They are small, long-bodied mammals with short legs, long tails, and sharp teeth. Domesticated ferrets typically weigh between 1-5 pounds, and come in a variety of colors, including white, black, brown, and mixed.

Ferret Behavior and Temperament

Ferrets are social animals that enjoy playing and interacting with their human companions. They are curious and intelligent creatures, and require plenty of mental stimulation to stay healthy and happy. Ferrets are also known for their mischievous and playful personalities, and will often steal and hide small objects around the house. Can ferrets swim? you want to know the answer to this question.

ferrets as pets

Pros and Cons of Owning a Ferret as a pet

While ferrets can make great pets, they are not the right choice for everyone. Some of the pros and cons of owning a ferret include:


a) Ferrets are social and playful animals that make great companions

b) They are intelligent and can be trained to do tricks

c) Ferrets are clean animals that groom themselves regularly

d) They do not require as much space as larger pets like dogs or cats

e) Ferrets are generally odorless if they are neutered and properly cared for


a) Ferrets are illegal in some states and countries

b) They require a lot of attention and socialization to stay healthy and happy

c) Ferrets are prone to certain health issues, such as adrenal disease and dental problems

d) They have a strong prey drive and may not get along with other pets in the household

e) Ferrets can be expensive to care for, with costs for food, toys, and veterinary care adding up quickly

Ferret Care and Housing

Ferrets require a specific type of housing in order to stay healthy and happy. They should be kept in a cage that is at least 18 inches wide by 30 inches long, with multiple levels for climbing and playing. The cage should be lined with paper or wood shavings, and should be cleaned regularly to prevent odors and disease.

ferrets as pets

Feeding Your Ferret as a pet.

Ferrets require a high-protein diet, as they are obligate carnivores that need animal protein to thrive. Ferret food should contain at least 30% protein and 15% fat, and should be made from high-quality ingredients. It’s also important to provide your ferret with fresh water at all times.

Grooming Your Ferret as a pet

Ferrets are generally clean animals that groom themselves regularly. However, they may need help with certain grooming tasks, such as nail clipping and ear cleaning. You should also brush your ferret’s coat regularly to prevent matting and hairballs.

Ferret Health and Common Issues as a pet

Ferrets are prone to certain health issues, such as adrenal disease, insulinoma, and dental problems. It’s important to schedule regular checkups with a veterinarian who is experienced in treating ferrets. You should also keep an eye out for signs of illness, such as lethargy, loss of appetite, and changes in behavior.

Ferret Vaccinations and Preventative Care as a pet

Ferrets should be vaccinated against distemper and rabies, and should receive regular preventative care, such as flea and tick prevention. It’s also important to keep your ferret’s environment clean and sanitary to prevent the spread of disease.

Training Your Ferret as a pet

Ferrets are intelligent animals that can be trained to do tricks and respond to commands. Positive reinforcement training techniques, such as clicker training, can be effective for teaching your ferret new behaviors.

ferrets as a great pet

Ferret Proofing Your Home as a pet

Ferrets are curious animals that love to explore their environment. However, this can be dangerous if your home is not properly ferret-proofed. You should make sure that all small objects are out of reach, and that your ferret cannot access any toxic substances or dangerous areas.

Legal Considerations for Owning a Ferret as a pet

Ferrets are illegal in some states and countries, so it’s important to research local laws before adopting a ferret. Even in areas where ferrets are legal, there may be specific regulations regarding their care and housing.

Finding a Ferret as a pet

If you’re interested in adopting a ferret, there are a few options available. You can adopt from a local shelter or rescue organization, or purchase from a reputable breeder. It’s important to do your research and choose a ferret that is healthy and well-socialized.


Ferrets can make great pets for the right person, but they do require a bit more attention and care than some other pets. By understanding their behavior, care, and health considerations, you can ensure that your ferret is happy and healthy for years to come.

FAQs about ferrets as pets

How long do ferrets live?

Ferrets typically live for 6-10 years, although some may live longer with proper care.

Are ferrets good with children?

Ferrets can be good with children, but it’s important to supervise interactions and teach children how to handle them gently.

Do ferrets have a strong odor?

Ferrets can have a musky odor if they are not neutered and properly cared for. Regular grooming and cleaning can help reduce any odor.

Can ferrets be litter trained?

Yes, ferrets can be litter trained, but it may take some patience and consistency.

How much does it cost to care for a ferret?

The cost of caring for a ferret can vary depending on factors such as food, veterinary care, and housing. It’s important to budget for these expenses before adopting a ferret.

Do ferrets get along with other pets?

Ferrets can get along with other pets, such as cats and dogs, if they are introduced properly and supervised during interactions.

How often should I clean my ferret’s cage?

You should clean your ferret’s cage at least once a week, and spot clean as needed. It’s important to use a pet-safe cleaner and avoid harsh chemicals.

What should I do if my ferret bites me?

If your ferret bites you, it’s important to clean the wound and seek medical attention if necessary. It’s also important to identify the reason behind the bite and work to prevent future incidents through proper training and socialization.

Do ferrets need to be spayed or neutered?

Yes, ferrets should be spayed or neutered to prevent health issues and unwanted breeding.

How much exercise do ferrets need?

Ferrets are active animals that need daily exercise and playtime outside of their cage. A minimum of 4 hours of supervised playtime is recommended each day.

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