What Food Can A Degu Eat? A Comprehensive Guide.

what food can a degu eat

Degus are adorable and active rodents native to Chile. They are becoming increasingly popular as pets due to their social nature and playful personality. Degus have a unique diet that needs to be taken care of to ensure their well-being. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about what food a degu can eat.

What Food Can A Degu Eat?

What to Feed Your Degu

Degus require a specific diet to ensure their health and well-being. A balanced diet for a degu should consist of commercial food, hay, vegetables, fruits, pellets, seeds, treats, and water. Providing the correct type and amount of food is essential for maintaining your degu’s health.

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Commercial Degu Food

Commercial food is a good option for feeding your degu as it contains all the essential nutrients. However, it is important to choose a high-quality commercial food brand that is specifically formulated for degus. Some of the recommended commercial food brands for degus are Supreme Science Selective Degu Food and Oxbow Essentials Chinchilla Food.


Hay is an essential part of a degu’s diet as it aids digestion and helps maintain their dental health. Timothy hay is the best type of hay for degus, and they should have unlimited access to it. Hay should be fresh, clean, and dry.


Vegetables are an important part of a degu’s diet and should be fed in moderation. Safe vegetables for degus include kale, spinach, lettuce, carrot tops, and broccoli. Vegetables that should be avoided include onions, garlic, and potatoes. Degus should eat around one tablespoon of vegetables per day, and it is important to introduce new vegetables gradually to avoid upsetting their digestive system.


Fruits should also be fed in moderation, as they contain high amounts of sugar. Safe fruits for degus include apples, pears, grapes, and strawberries. Fruits that should be avoided include citrus fruits, bananas, and dried fruits. Degus should eat around one teaspoon of fruit per day.


Pellets are a good source of nutrition for degus, but they should be fed in moderation. The recommended pellets for degus are those that are high in fiber and low in fat. Pellets should make up around 10-20% of a degu’s diet.


Seeds are a good source of protein for degus, but they should also be fed in moderation. Safe seeds for degus include pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and flax seeds. Seeds should make up around 5% of a degu’s diet.


Treats should be given sparingly, as they often contain high amounts of sugar and fat. Safe treats for degus include small amounts of plain, unsweetened cereals, small pieces of unsalted nuts, and small amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables. Treats should make up around 5% of a degu’s diet.


Clean, fresh water should be available to degus at all times. Water should be changed daily, and the water bottle should be cleaned regularly to prevent bacterial growth.


In conclusion, feeding your degu a balanced diet is crucial to their overall health and well-being. Commercial food, hay, vegetables, fruits, pellets, seeds, treats, and water should all be included in a degu’s diet in moderation. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your degu stays healthy and happy.


  1. Can degus eat cheese? No, degus cannot eat cheese as it is high in fat and can cause digestive issues.
  2. Can degus eat nuts? Degus can eat small amounts of unsalted nuts as a treat, but they should not be a regular part of their diet.
  3. Can degus eat bread? Degus can eat small amounts of bread as a treat, but it should not be a regular part of their diet.
  4. Can degus eat meat? No, degus are herbivores and should not be fed meat.
  5. Can degus eat chocolate? No, chocolate is toxic to degus and should be avoided at all times.

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