Can Gerbils Be Housed Together?

can gerbils be housed together?

Gerbils are small and adorable rodents that are often household pets. They are known for their cute looks and playful behavior. But one question that many people have when it comes to gerbils is whether or not they can be housed together. The answer is yes, gerbils can be housed together. However, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind to make sure that your gerbils get along.

Gerbils are social animals and enjoy the company of their own kind. Housing them together can provide them with companionship and prevent loneliness. However, not all gerbils get along. Some may fight and even injure each other. Therefore, it’s important to know how to introduce gerbils to each other and what signs to look out for to ensure a peaceful coexistence.

Can Gerbils Be Housed Together?

Understanding Gerbil Behavior

Before introducing gerbils to each other, it’s important to understand their behavior. Gerbils are territorial animals and can become aggressive towards unfamiliar gerbils. In the wild, gerbils live in groups and have a social hierarchy. They establish dominance by fighting and displaying aggressive behavior towards each other.

Introducing Gerbils

The best way to introduce gerbils to each other is by using the split-cage method. This involves separating the cage into two halves and placing each gerbil in one half. This allows them to see and smell each other without direct contact. After a few days, you can remove the divider and allow them to interact.

Signs of Aggression

When introducing gerbils to each other, it’s important to watch for signs of aggression. This includes biting, chasing, and fighting. If you notice any of these behaviors, it’s best to separate the gerbils and try again later.

Same-Sex Pairing

It’s important to house gerbils of the same sex together. Males and females will breed, which can result in unwanted litters. In addition, males may become aggressive towards females, leading to fights and injuries.

Cage Size

When housing gerbils together, it’s important to provide them with a large enough cage. Gerbils need plenty of space to move around and explore. A small cage can lead to stress and aggression.

Toys and Enrichment

To prevent boredom and aggression, it’s important to provide gerbils with plenty of toys and enrichment. This includes exercise wheels, tunnels, and chew toys. These items will keep gerbils mentally stimulated and prevent them from becoming bored and aggressive.

can gerbils be housed together?

Food and Water

When housing gerbils together, it’s important to provide them with separate food and water dishes. This will prevent fights over resources and ensure that each gerbil gets enough to eat and drink.

Cleaning the Cage

It’s important to clean the cage regularly to prevent the buildup of waste and odors. A dirty cage can lead to stress and aggression among gerbils.


In conclusion, gerbils can be housed together. However, it’s important to understand their behavior and take the necessary precautions to ensure a peaceful coexistence. Use the split-cage method to introduce gerbils to each other, watch for signs of aggression, and provide them with a large enough cage, toys, and enrichment.


  1. How many gerbils can be housed together? A: Gerbils are social animals and can be housed together in groups of two to four.
  2. Can male and female gerbils be housed together? A: No, it’s best to house male and female gerbils separately to prevent breeding and aggression.
  1. Can different species of gerbils be housed together? A: It’s not recommended to house different species of gerbils together as they may not get along and could lead to fights.
  2. How often should the cage be cleaned? A: The cage should be cleaned at least once a week to prevent waste buildup and odors.
  3. Can gerbils live alone? A: While gerbils are social animals, some may prefer to live alone. It’s important to observe your gerbil’s behavior to determine if they prefer to be alone or with others.

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