Can Degus and Rabbits Live Together? Understanding the Compatibility of Two Unique Species.

can degus and rabbits live together?

As a pet owner, it’s understandable to want to have multiple furry friends living together. However, the question of whether different species can coexist in harmony is a valid concern. In this article, I will discuss whether degus and rabbits can live together and what you need to know before introducing them to each other.

Before discussing whether these two species can coexist, it’s important to understand their individual characteristics.

Can Degus and Rabbits Live Together?


Degus are small rodents native to Chile. They are known for their social nature and are often kept as pets. These rodents have a lifespan of 5-8 years and require a specialized diet, consisting mainly of hay, pellets, and fresh fruits and vegetables. Degus also need plenty of space to roam and play, as well as dust baths to keep their coats clean.

Also Read: Can degus and rats live together?


Rabbits are herbivorous mammals that come in a variety of breeds. They are social creatures that enjoy the company of other rabbits, but can also form close bonds with humans. They have a lifespan of 8-12 years and require a diet consisting mainly of hay, pellets, and fresh vegetables. Rabbits need plenty of space to hop and play, as well as a safe and secure environment to prevent escapes and protect them from predators.

Understanding Compatibility

Now that we’ve discussed the characteristics of degus and rabbits, it’s time to consider their compatibility.

Social Nature

Both degus and rabbits are social creatures that thrive in the company of their own species. While degus can form close bonds with their owners, they still require interaction with other degus to maintain their mental and emotional wellbeing. Similarly, rabbits need the company of other rabbits to prevent loneliness and boredom.


Despite their social nature, degus and rabbits have different temperaments. Degus are known to be energetic, curious, and playful, while rabbits are generally more docile and relaxed. This difference in temperament can potentially lead to conflicts if the animals are not properly introduced and supervised.

Size and Strength

Another factor to consider is the size and strength of the animals. Rabbits are significantly larger and stronger than degus, which can make them unintentionally injure their smaller companions. Additionally, rabbits have powerful hind legs that can potentially harm degus during playtime.

Diet and Housing

Degus and rabbits also have different dietary and housing requirements. Degus require a specialized diet consisting mainly of hay, pellets, and fresh fruits and vegetables, while rabbits also need hay and vegetables, but have different dietary requirements. Housing requirements are also different, as degus need a larger space with plenty of hiding spots and toys to keep them entertained, while rabbits need a secure hutch or pen that protects them from predators.


In conclusion, while degus and rabbits may both be social creatures, they have different temperaments, size and strength, diet and housing requirements that make it difficult for them to coexist in the same living space. While it’s not impossible for them to live together, it’s important to take into consideration their individual needs and personalities before introducing them to each other.


1. Can degus and rabbits live together if they are introduced at a young age?

While introducing degus and rabbits at a young age can increase the chances of them getting along, it’s still important to consider their individual characteristics and supervise their interactions.

2. Can degus and rabbits live in the same room but in separate cages?

Yes, degus and rabbits can live in the same room but in separate cages. This can help them get used to each other’s presence without the risk of harm.

3. Can degus and rabbits share the same play area?

It’s not recommended to have degus and rabbits share the same play area due to the difference in size and strength. It’s important to supervise their interactions and make sure they are not harming each other.

4. What are some signs that degus and rabbits are not getting along?

Some signs that degus and rabbits are not getting along include aggressive behavior, such as biting or chasing, and signs of stress or fear, such as hiding or excessive grooming.

5. What should I do if my degus and rabbits are not getting along?

If your degus and rabbits are not getting along, it’s important to separate them and consult with a veterinarian or animal behaviorist for further advice. It may be necessary to keep them in separate living spaces to ensure their safety and wellbeing.

In conclusion, while it may seem like a good idea to have multiple furry friends living together, it’s important to consider the compatibility of different species before introducing them to each other. While it’s not recommended to have degus and rabbits living together due to their different needs and temperaments, they can still live in the same room but in separate cages. If you are considering having multiple pets, it’s important to do your research and consult with professionals to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all animals involved.

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